Functional parameters vary from manifestation to manifestation….. Ugh, this website reads like stereo instructions.

Sooo, here we go with another update from Yours Truly…

looks like COVID protocol is over for reals, but dont worry were keeping the place spic and span. Especially for flu season because no thank you.

Pet Policy

Have you guys seen my pet bunny Spike? you havent? welp…. that’s because pets aren’t allowed in the salon. Please don’t think it’s cool to bring your fluffy friends. Unless you have a REAL service dog, we can reasonably accommodate any special needs. Cute pets are special but you don’t NEED them so please be respectful of allergies or others who are simply trying to relax.

A few policy changes you should be aware of

  • Consultations will only be happening in person unless your stylist contacts you and agrees otherwise

  • Any appointments booked by first time clients are subject to a non refundable deposit that will count towards the total cost of your service. If one is required you will be contacted via invoice.

  • Kylene and Dina do not accept online bookings so save yourself the time of searching and go ahead and give us a ring-a-ding.

Hot topics we love talking about….

  • Please read ACOTAR and come talk to me about the series because I will STOP EVERYTHING AND MINI BOOK CLUB WITH YOU. Yes you need to read TOG. Yes you neeeeeed to read Crescent City. Rhun and Hunt are in sooo much trouble. Someone pay for my manicure! I have bitten my nails to the quick.

  • CC3 doesn’t deserve the hate its getting. Sarah is not that deep guys.

  • I am single handily carrying the box office for Iron Claw with my behind the chair recommendations, go seeeeee it!!!

  • IPB is my obsession. If you know you know and we should be besties. Ruby Dixon call me I LOVE YOU.

  • Book Tok is at it againnn guys stop it Iron Flame sucked and Onyx storm will be a messssssss. I will still be reading it though.

  • Who watched the Love wins Documentary? want to start a cult? because I can sell some candles.


  • I have officially been convinced to watch Breaking Bad. Its Meth without the T, Its MEH. As in bland, boring, average at best…. so swing by and fight with me about it. I dont care it sucked.

  • RIP Bob 1372-2024, you were a real one.

  • Lydia fumbled, I was seriously rizzed up by the end of Beetlejuice. NGL I would have married him.

Next up Q&A time

Q: Hows parking?

A: Street, neighborhood and Meters (If you have a question about the meters specifically puhleese call the city. We dont run them)

Fun Fact Corner!

The speaker option on your cell phone is not a function that is polite to use in public. Headphones people.. you’re embarrassing.

-The Compound Salon

Contact your favorite Hair Stylist!

Samantha is no longer @ the Compound Salon feel free to contact her directly @ (510) 478-2683

Kylene 310.259.2253

Dennis 323.425.0384

Karla 310.869.1900

Kelly 818.388.5644

Dina 310.913.0022

Jason. 310.750.7555

Follow us on social media for our most current updates!!!!